

AssetView's support pages describe many terms and definitions used in AssetView. For convenience, definitions for some key terms are shown below.

Mode Terms

The following shows the positions included for each mode and the suffix used in the application to indicate the mode.

ModePositions IncludedIndicator
HistoryClosed positions up until nowH
ActiveOpen positions as of now(blank)
LifetimeClosed and open positions as of nowL
Active ProjectedOpen and projected positions through a projected dateP
Lifetime ProjectedClosed, open, and projected positions through a projected dateLP

Please see Modes for more information.

Performance Terms

Account MoMMultiple on Money for an account including all assets within the account
Asset MoMMultiple on Money for an asset across accounts
Account Return % (XIRR)Time-based, cash-based extended internal rate of return for an account including all assets within the account
Asset Return % (XIRR)Time-based, cash-based extended internal rate of return for an asset across accounts
Account CashflowCash in and out of account
Asset Cashflow for an AccountCash in and out of all assets within an account
Gain/LossRealized gains/losses
Gain/Loss UUnrealized gains/losses
Market ValueThe value of your positions excluding cash which is shown separately
SD MarketValueThe assessed market value of an asset on a specific date
Profit PotentialRealized gains/losses + income/expense + unrealized gains/losses
Return % (vXIRR)XIRR that uses a reasoned assumption for the liquidation value of the asset
Return % (XIRR)Time-based calculation of internal rate of return using cash flows

Please see Performance for more information.

System Terms

PartyFinancial institution or party to which accounts are assigned
SourceMethod of entering data into AssetView (e.g. Schwab, CSV import)
The EyeBlurs all investment numbers on the screen
Red DotIndicates that you have manually affected the record

Transaction Terms

Capital DecreaseDecrease an equity investment without selling shares
Capital IncreaseIncrease an equity investment without selling shares
Trade BuyAcquire shares in exchange for an asset other than the base currency
Trade SellDispose of shares in exchange for an asset other than the base currency
TransferMove positions across accounts

Please see Transactions for more information.

View Terms

Asset Structured ViewView that organizes information for assets that have structured data
Asset Summary ViewView that organizes information by various groupings (e.g. attributes)

Please see Views for more information.

App Terms

AppCode that: can be plugged into AssetView to modify, extend, or create additional functionality in AssetView; may be removed at any time without effecting core AssetView functions; and may be offered by AssetView or a third-party
AttributesExtra data on an object
LayoutsVisual organization of elements
HandlersManagement facility for objects
FeaturesFunctions attachable to objects
ProvidersIntegration points

Please see Intro to Apps for more information.