Money Market Funds (MMF)
Money Market Funds (MMFs) assets have the same fundamental facilities available to you as Public Equities (e.g. pricing). They are denoted as pooled asset to enable additional segmentation in your portfolio. When you first create a MMF, you are provided with a search from which you select the US market ticker symbol. AssetView uses that ticker symbol to automatically associate relevant data such as market pricing and stock charting. AssetView supports multiple methods of stock lotting (e.g. FIFO, LIFO). The default method of Lotting aggregates purchases from the same day into a single lot.
AssetView provides pricing for all US market public exchange-traded fund assets based on a feed from a third party that is delayed typically less than 30 minutes from real-time, trading day hours pricing.
Asset Entry
When entering a new money market fund asset, AssetView prompts you to enter:
- Label: friendly name for you to recognize the specific asset;
- ID: unique identifier
- Description: more information for you to fully describe the asset;
- Default Account: the account to which all future purchases of the asset will be assigned unless you override;
- State: active or planned asset;
- CUSIP: an industry defined identifier;
- Coupon %: rate of fixed payments;
- Interest Payment Per Annum: the interval of payments;
- Maturity Date: date of final redemption;
- Add Call: call provisions on the asset; and
- Asset Class: the specific asset class to which the asset will belong.
Buy Entry
When entering a money market fund purchase, AssetView prompts you to enter:
- Date: date of the transaction;
- Account: AssetView will present the default account which you may override;
- Basis: the accounting basis for lotting and taxation;
- Lot: Auto (automatically lot), New (create a new lot), Advanced (to manually create lots), or you may assign to an existing lot;
- Face value;
- Price: the price paid;
- Interest Catchup: interest paid to the previous owner for ownership during a partial period;
- Fee: e.g. brokerage fees;
- Description; and
- State: active, pending, or planned.
AssetView then shows you a summary of the:
- Market Value;
- Premium (price paid which is more or less than the face value);
- Cash Flow (including the price, interest catchup and fees); and
- Yields (potential).
Sale Entry
- Date: date of the transaction;
- Account: AssetView will present the default account which you may override;
- Basis: the accounting basis for lotting and taxation;
- Lot: Auto (automatically lot), New (create a new lot), Advanced (to manually create lots), or you may assign to an existing lot;
- Face value;
- Price: the price paid;
- Interest Catchup: interest paid to the previous owner for ownership during a partial period;
- Fee: e.g. brokerage fees;
- Description; and
- State: active, pending, or planned.
AssetView then shows you a summary of the:
- Market Value;
- Premium (price paid which is more or less than the face value);
- Cash Flow (including the price, interest catchup and fees); and
- Yield: yield to sale.
Dashboard and Structured View
On the Dashboard for a money market fund asset and on the Structured View when you select Fixed Income, AssetView calculates and displays details on your:
- Investment components;
- Maturity;
- Interest; and
- Yields.
On a money market fund asset page, AssetView allows you to enter an offer price on the asset as of a specified date. AssetView then calculates a yield. AssetView also calculate the remaining yield for the money market fund using the current day (i.e. today) as the settlement date.
On a money market fund asset, the Offer pane enables you to enter an offer date and a price with which AssetView calculates the yield. If you have multiple purchases of the money market fund, AssetView calculates the yield using a weighted settlement date based on the proportion of cost attributable to each purchase.